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Relax, the money you need is just a few steps away.

We Can Help You Crush the Credit Crackdown and Avoid Late Payment Fees

After a long, destitute period that saw millions of people lose their jobs, thousands of families lose their homes and record levels of credit and loan delinquencies, all economic indicators are finally pointing to a slow but steady recovery. But that's not to say things are any easier for the consumers who have somehow managed to hang on throughout the crisis. Rather then relax the rules in light of their customers' overextended budgets, creditors have instead opted to protect themselves by taking a harder stance against late payers, promptly reporting delinquencies to the three major reporting bureaus and tacking on an excessive late fee to the following month's bill. Being that the penalized customer had trouble coming up with the payment the first time around, the situation suddenly goes from bad to hopeless as he or she is then faced with two payments and a late fee. From there, the report discrepancies and late fees continue piling up until the customer has no hope of ever finding a way out. For that to happen is nothing short of tragic, considering all it would have taken was a quick cash loan to prevent it from happening in the first place.

The Smart Solution

With Quick Cash Loan Today on your side, being a little short on money to pay a bill isn't a problem. In fact, since the money you request is wired directly into your bank account within 24 hours, you can take care of the potentially damaging bill by paying with your debit card--just as quickly as if you had the cash on hand when the bill arrived. Our low, competitive service cost is a mere fraction of the standard late fees charged by creditors. That means getting a quick cash loan isn't just the easiest way to handle such a situation; it's the smartest way.

Damage Prevention

Savings aside, a quick cash loan you provide you with benefits that will last long after the economic crisis is just a memory. When a creditor reports late payments of 30, 60 or 90 days, they remain a fixture on your history for a full two years. Even worse, delinquencies stay on board for seven. Regardless of what you might have heard from fly-by-night "credit cleaners," there's absolutely nothing you can do to remove the discrepancies until the appropriate amount of time has passed. And now that the economic crisis has pushed all lenders over to the side of extreme caution, no lender is going to touch you until those marks are gone. If you think that sounds like an awfully stiff penalty to pay for such a relatively small infraction, you're not alone. At Quick Cash Loan Today, we couldn't agree more. And that's one of the reasons we're here.